Thursday, December 17, 2015

365 Project #255 Subtle Patterns

When I was doing some web design, I learned a lot of useful things. It used to be a lot harder to do web design and I gave up just as learning CSS became really necessary to have an integrated site. At the same time, WSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) sites have gotten quite user-friendly so I usually go with those. Blogger is particularly intuitive and has a ton of online tutorials.

At some point I came across a great site called Subtle Patterns that does nearly all the work of providing beautiful tiling patterns for all sorts of uses. The creator has made a tutorial and there's a video showing how to use the Photoshop Plugin as well. I chose a pattern I liked, colorized it using the GIMP (free Photoshop equivalent) and uploaded it as a background with my new header image on the Blogger page.

Click for a closer look

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