Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Bulb Huntress

That's right, sports fans, I'm legit. I made my first solo bulb rescue today. I had been eyeing these Crinums at an old abandoned building and finally got up the nerve to ask if I could dig them. The gentleman said to be his guest and dig away, he's tired of mowing around them.

When I started digging I realized what a beast this was going to be. I had to dig out all around them, then start cutting roots from underneath. Finally I was able to rock it loose, but there was no way I was going to be able to lift it. Fortunately I could break up the bulbs in the hole. Turned out to be quite the find and I've already shared some with a neighbor.

I didn't really have a place to put them, so I settled on the west wall of my house. Our soil is decomposed granite, which means when it's dry it hardens and is like digging concrete. On the other hand, when it's wet it's not hard to dig at all. I watered the area, then dug about 10". It was bone-dry and hard so I filled the trench with water and will let it percolate down so I can dig deeper.

From what I recall, the final picture shows what they may look like. I never got a close look at them before and can't recall for sure what color they are. I guess we'll find out this summer. 

Quite enough for one day, I think. Can't say I don't have adventures.

Well, they're finally in. Don had to help me punch through the soil to a depth of 18" with a heavy digging bar (pike) The trench and planting took 2 days and I've learned a very valuable lesson; If you have a choice, don't dig monster bulbs that need to go in the ground pretty soon unless you have a place to put them.
The total number of bulbs was 15 large and 20 medium and small.

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