Saturday, March 18, 2017

365 Project #371 Third LEAF

The third annual Llano Earth Art Fest was held on March 10, 11, 12 and 13 this year and it was a mighty fine festival. There were rock stackers in artistic and competitive activities from all over the world and the US, organic art and fine art, food and vendors, music and festival entertainment, camping, all on the beautiful Llano River. There's nothing quite like it anywhere.

Here is Don's and my album combining the photos we took during the festival.

I was asked to contribute an art installation and decided to paint the rock spiral I have maintained in Grenwelge Park for the last couple of years. Marcus Hammons has been maintaining the beautiful stack in the center (it falls down from time to time).

Since I wanted it to be organic and washable, I made a paint from constarch, water and liquid watercolors. The result was an Easter-egg colored spiral. We've had a few light rains, so the colors are washing away gently. Then, imagine my delight when the spiral was featured on the front page of the Llano News!

Photo courtesy Terry Schroth

Photo courtesy Worth Green

Photo courtesy Terry Schroth

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