Sunday, August 21, 2016

365 Project #339 Google Calendar Reading Journal

In July I was feeling a little 'stale' in that I wasn't learning new things or reading novels for pleasure like I used to and embarked on a plan to read the Classics I missed.

Goodreads is a great way of finding more books to read based on the books you've read or prefer. I get recommendations, then search the web to try to find the book for free. So far I've gotten a lot from Project Gutenberg and ebooks@Adelaide

I also found a great radio/podcast program that airs regularly on PBS stations, called Engines Of Our Ingenuity. It 'tells the story of how our culture is formed by human creativity.' Since there are thousands of episodes, I'm working my way forward AND back, numbering each episode on the calendar as I read them, many times listening to the podcast as well.

There are many uses for Google Calendar and here's a great tutorial on starting out or utilizing more functions. When you make a new Calendar it will be listed on the left and you can assign a color to it to make it stand out from the others. You can also toggle the visibility ON and OFF. I have 8 calendars that I manage for different purposes; me, Don (including gigs), Ukulele Club, my job, health, learning, vehicles, etc.. Here only Learning is visible. I list the books I read, and if necessary, details about them, such as a list of short stories in an anthology.

Click to read


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