Saturday, March 12, 2016

365 Project #298 Llano Earth Art Fest!

Yesterday, the first day of the Llano Earth Art Fest was rainy and cold, pretty much a total bust. But today started overcast and cleared up to a beautiful, temperate Spring Day and the Festival was off and running. 

Since I was a vendor I was stuck manning my booth, and there were lots of visitors. When things calmed down a bit, I got out and took a few photos. I shared a booth with my friends Jack and Beth Henderson. He makes custom jewelry and does beautiful work. We were able to 'spell' each other as the day went on so no one went hungry or without bathroom breaks.

Don made all the displays for my booth, mostly from reclaimed materials so our overhead was very small. He helped man the booth, too, and brought along a guitar and we both had ukuleles. Beth is a singer in our band and off and on we entertained ourselves and attracted some attention from attendees.

We had a great day and the Festival was a great success so far. Tomorrow's hours are a little shorter, 'til 5pm or so. Don has to leave early and drive the band van to Pat's Bar in Kingsland where we'll host Open Mic 4-8pm. I'll follow him a little later and we'll break down our booth on Monday.

My Dotrageous Booth 

Festival Fashion Show Parade

Junior Division

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