Thursday, March 19, 2015

365 Project #77 Back To School

Lately I've been doing some captioning and perhaps in the future I'd like to do some freelance proofreading and editing.  One problem; I have no higher education whatsoever and so no credentials to show to get jobs.  I've been advised by a writer 'just to start' but I'm certain my short high school career/disaster didn't prepare me for literary greatness.  I studiously (see what I did there?) avoided college and chose jobs that didn't require much of an education.  Basically, I talked myself into being terrified of higher education, and that's just silly.

I priced a BA in English and when my jaw relocated I decided instead that I'd like a much better car and to finish my house ;-)

Investigating the MOOCs led me to some interesting sites but only one place seems to have what may suit, a basic remedial English course, and more challenging courses in the future. has active and archived courses.  The founders are MIT and Harvard, with an amazing list of Schools and Partners.  This is real school, y'all, no messing around.  You can take the Archived courses at your own speed, but with no support or community.  I'll be taking 'Write 101x English Grammar and Style' to begin with, from the University of Queensland.  I'd have to have more spare time and a lot more self-discipline to take an active course, but I'll get there.

If you're interested, do register and take the course that shows you how to take the courses, DemoX.  It's fun and interesting.  Then take a look at the courses and the schools they're from, you'll be amazed.

Wish me luck.

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