Saturday, May 10, 2014

Turmeric Is My New Friend

We bought a one-pound package of turmeric from, intending to make some of that nice saffron-colored rice you get at Chinese restaurants.  At the rate we use it, it would probably take years to use it up.  At $4.25 a pound (plus shipping), I can afford to play with it.

I started running across articles about how valuable turmeric is for many health and beauty uses.  These are some of the things I've tried so far.  The facial mask and using it as a tooth powder were a little hard to believe, but I tried them and they work beautifully.

I've used the face mask twice and intend to try doing it 3 times a week or so.  I'll follow up to let you know if it gets rid of some of the redness in my face that is caused by capillaries near the skin surface and some broken veins (hereditary).  It would be a nice bonus if the circles under my eyes would be lightened a bit, I've had sinus problems all my life and sometimes they're really dark.

Here's the really strange one, and it's a bit hard to believe that a spice that is strong enough to be used as a permanent yellow dye can whiten teeth but it does.  I have the formerly coffee-stained teeth to prove it.

The most promising for overall health is Golden Milk.  Here's how to make the paste to add to any kind of milk for a nice evening drink.  I just put it in my evening mint tea and it tastes great.  Curcumin, the active ingredient in Turmeric, is a proven anti-inflammatory and can help with lots of conditions caused by inflammation.

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